Portable possessions insurance

Insurance on the go… Wherever you go

In a nutshell

The king’s got you covered for the loss of, or damage to, those precious portable items that you normally carry with you. If your Louis Vuitton has ever been a Louis Vuigone then you completely understand the importance of having your portable possessions covered. While we may not be able to help you get them back, we can make sure that your portable possessions are covered so that they can be replaced without it costing you an arm and a leg. The king ensures that you stay in motion with portable possessions insurance that follows you in every direction.

What we mean by ‘portable possessions’

Portable possessions insurance covers items (like your phone, laptop, engagement ring, watch, gym bag and other things that you carry with you every day) when they’re outside or off your property. These items aren’t covered under home contents once they leave your property.

Let’s get specific

These are items you’ll need to specify separately... Those that exceed the individual maximum value per item for unspecified portable possessions cover. Each of these extra special things must be named and their value noted on your policy schedule: